Epsilon Nets

A common technique in arguments in sketching is to appeal to the concept of an Epsilon Net. This article explains what that is and why it always exists.

We will be working in the column space of a matrix ARn×dA \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times d}. Without loss of generality, we will assume that AA has orthonormal columns; if it doesn’t, we can always find an orthonormal basis for its column space by considering its SVD, A=UΣVA=U\Sigma V^\ast, and redefining A:=UA:=U. That is enough because the set {Ax    xRd}\{ Ax \;|\; x \in \mathbb{R}^d\} is the same as the set {Uz    zRρ}\{ Uz \;|\; z \in \mathbb{R}^\rho \} where ρ\rho is the rank of AA.

Definition: Define the set S={y    y=Ax,  y2=1}\mathcal{S} = \{ y \;|\; y=Ax, \; \lVert y \rVert_2 = 1 \}. An ϵ\epsilon-net is a subset NS\mathcal{N} \subset \mathcal{S} such that, for every ySy \in \mathcal{S}, there exists a wNw \in \mathcal{N}such that yw2ϵ\lVert y - w \rVert_2 \leq \epsilon.


Lemma: For ϵ(0,1)\epsilon \in (0, 1), there exists an ϵ\epsilon-net N\mathcal{N} for the set S\mathcal{S} (defined above) whose size is at most (1+2/ϵ)d(1 + 2/\epsilon)^d.

Proof: Let’s consider the unit sphere in Rd:Sd1\mathbb{R}^d: \mathbb{S}^{d-1}. Instead of finding a net for S\mathcal{S}, we will argue by finding a net for Sd1\mathbb{S}^{d - 1}. That’s because AA provides an isometry when operating on the unit sphere, so that a net for Sd1\mathbb{S}^{d - 1} gives us a net for the image of Sd1\mathbb{S}^{d - 1} under AA.

Finding a net over the unit sphere is trivial. We can choose a maximal set N\mathcal{N}^\prime such that no two points in the set are within distance ϵ\epsilon from each other. This means that balls of radius ϵ/2\epsilon/2 centered at points in N\mathcal{N}^\prime are disjoint. These balls all fit in the ball with radius (1+ϵ/2)(1 + \epsilon/2) centered at the origin. The volume of this enlarged ball is (1+ϵ/2)d/(ϵ/2)d(1 + \epsilon/2)^d / (\epsilon/2)^d times larger than the small balls. As such, there can be at most (1+2/ϵ)d(1 + 2/\epsilon)^d small balls, implying that N(1+2/ϵ)d\lvert \mathcal{N}^\prime \rvert \leq (1 + 2/\epsilon)^d. [This is the covering number of the unit sphere, which is a compact set.]

Now let N={y    y=Ax,  xN}\mathcal{N} = \{ y \;|\; y = Ax, \; x \in \mathcal{N}^\prime \}. We can show by contradiction that, for any ySy \in \mathcal{S} there must exist a point ww in N\mathcal{N} such that yw2ϵ\lVert y - w \rVert_2 \leq \epsilon.\mathbb{} Suppose there exists no such ww for some y=Axy=Ax for some xSd1x \in \mathbb{S}^{d - 1}. That implies that, there exists no point vv in N\mathcal{N}^\prime for which xv2ϵ\lVert x - v \rVert_2 \leq \epsilon. But that contradicts our construction of N\mathcal{N}^\prime.